Our Mission:
Venezuela for Christ

“Supporting the work of the church in Venezuela to share the transforming love of Christ.”

Venezuela is in Crisis

Children are starving. Thousands are dying of easily preventable and treatable diseases. Inflation will be the highest in the hemisphere this year. Violence and corruption haunt every family in Venezuela. The capital city, Caracas, has the highest murder rate in the world. Venezuela has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Latin America and the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases in the hemisphere.

Venezuelans are Hungry for Hope

Only the Church of Jesus Christ can provide the hope they long for.
Venezuela Now has invested over 20 years in equipping and empowering the Church
in Venezuela to transform the nation.

These churches are providing hope to a secular nation.
The Protestant Church in Venezuela has grown from 2% of the
population in 2002
to more than 20% of the population today. As a new
Venezuela emerges from this crisis,
the Church will lead from strength,
positioned to shape the nation’s future for Christ.

“Evangelism” and “compassion” are woven together.
We seamlessly integrate initiatives focused on education, church planting,
medicine, food, and leadership development, all as a balanced
missions model
for effective evangelism (Matthew 28) and compassion
(Matthew 25).
It is through this integrated model that we make disciples
for Christ
for the transformation of the world.

“Only the Church of Jesus Christ can provide the hope they long for. Venezuela Now has invested over 20 years in equipping and empowering the Church in Venezuela to transform the nation.”


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